Photo at left: Roberto, 3, Carla, 6, and Joyeis, 7, of Concepcion del Norte, Honduras. Their mother Deysi (Daisy), died on 5/5/08 of starvation, rather than look into the hungry eyes of her children.
Travel with Sharon and Amanda on their trip to Honduras during the Summer of 2009, by checking this blog often!
Sharon will be posting, from Honduras, news & photos daily as her time allows between July 8th and August 12th, 2009, on this blog. Bookmark this page on your own computer and learn first hand of their progress!
Sharon and Amanda will be able to view your comments while they continue to do their work for the children and their families. We encourage you to send your thoughts, prayers and encouragement using the comments area as they continue on their daily journey to make a better life in the village of Concepcion del Norte , Honduras!
You have to register with Google or this Blogger.com site to be able to leave comments.
Have a safe and productive journey back to Honduras Sharon and Amanda! Looking forward to learning of your progress on this trip via this blog!
ReplyDeleteTo followers of their trip... You can register with this site to obtain a username and password, then all you have to do is log in, and click on the little blue "comment link", to write a note that Sharon and Amanda will be able to see.
Steve Beckwith