The morning was spent in Spanish lessons with one of the dads from our project and enlisting his help with the sewing machine maintenance here. The afternoon was spent with Dr. Raz, a government physician who works in the Kalachucha clinic on Wednesdays. I assisted with several patients including the Torres family. Naun is 34% below normal weight and young Lourdes has some pretty serious breathing problems. Treatment measures included medication and a nebulizing treatment. Follow up was requested. The doctor also asked that the children receive a can of Ensure daily. Our goal is to set this up with the mother to come to the home of Maria Elena to insure that the children are indeed getting what they need. We will purchase the Ensure during our trip on Friday to San Pedro Sula for medical treatment for 2 other members of our Honduran family. Thank you one and all for your following this blog, your blessings, and your support.
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