Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tears of Gratitude and Hope

As I sit in my American living room, my heart returns to Concepcion where the Northeastern group reflects on those ensuing pangs of departure. Daisy's Children has been blessed with their presence and their unconditional love for its children. I look forward to a reunion back here to process their stay and what lies ahead. There is much to do but every bit of it is easy when one recalls the smiling faces of the 'littles' and the unending gratitude of those who surround the project in our remote village. With the trickling effect, our efforts will become reality and more children will come to our doors, to doors which open up a new world of possibilities for any and all who enter in whether a 'little' or a 'not so little'.This blog will continue to bring updates and event postings. Stay tuned. We're in for a miraculous ride in the next year!

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