It always is a reawakening of many feelings when I return to this village an eternity away from the life I'm familiar with. All is different. The temperature of the air, the sights, the sounds, the smells. One learns quickly to reassess all that is a part of your life. Even getting to Honduras took on new meaning during the political unrest publicized by our media. Though this country is facing many uncertainties with the ousting of Zelaya, it is sincerely unevident in this village amongst the clouds. All seems quiet and normal. Even while traveling in the cities of San Pedro Sula and Peurto Cortez, life seems to be moving as usual. We have only seen a handful of men in military uniforms, but it is typical to face stops along the roadways to have papers checked. The sense of tension is not palpable. I waited and recalled a simple statement I heard in church recently. Faith not fear. When I consider what the people in this village face on a daily basis, it is easy to be guided by my faith. For days before coming, I received many calls and e-mails with concern, and asking me to reconsider. It was never even a question. I registered with the embassy here and read all that was forwarded to me. And I trusted that roadblocks would be along the way if I was truly supposed to remain in the states. Right down to our first flight from Boston to Houston. The flight was delayed in the air and we only had a 40 minute window to make our connection. By the time we approached Houston, our connecting flight should have left. Amanda and I had to run down the entire length of the airport. We were the last 2 passengers on the plane. The door closed, we took our seats, and we were underway. Next sign- we sat with another American traveling to Yuro with his mission group from Texas. His words, "I see the warnings didn't stop you from his work." Hmmmmm! One final sign before I close....... the first person I recognized when I got off the plane, an unexpected person waiting for me.... Joyeis, Daisy's oldest daughter. Her smile of recognition was the only sign I really needed.
I spent a good part of the afternoon with Dr. Paz, a retired physician who owns a home we are considering for our project, in hopes of obtaining it for a volunteer residence and accomodations for groups who wish to travel with us. more about that tomorrow. Hopefully, we'll be able to post with pictures tomorrow. Until then, asta manyana mis amigos y dios bendiga!
We are glad to hear you both have made and and our safe. We keep both of you in our thoughts.