The day began early with a batch of brownies in the oven by 6:30 am. A busy morning filled with the Honduran version of catering at Spring Hill, South Berwick, Maine. Food prep everywhere with a couple of bowls and two dull knives shared between four women in a kitchen. Need I say more? Rev. Anthony Paz was hosting a regional meeting of pastors. Nine were in attendance along with several spouses. After a nearly completely American meal, a crowd gathered to watch eight people be baptised, with each pastor having his part in the celebration. Pictured here is one of our moms from Daisy's Children, Dinah Aguillar. In all we had two moms, Deysi's husband Carlos, and our oldest child, Lesbin Noe. Family and friends watched on as many hymns were sung and loud applause followed each submersion. A huge turning point in their lives and an honor to be present. Wet hugs and all.
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